Good custom home design requires a lot of nuance and understanding a few basic principles.
As joyous as designing and ultimately building your own custom home may be, you can also get overwhelmed with all of those little details that stack up. Good custom home design requires a lot of nuance and understanding a few basic principles. The design process is the first step to having the home of your dreams. Here at Robin Ford, we want to make sure you end up with the home you deserve. Before you get started with your own custom home design, brush up on these tips for developing your wishlist of features and design elements.
Go Big!
Remember: you’re coming up with your dream home here! Go as big as you want with your initial custom home design, as you can always scale back later on and bring things back to practicality. List out every feature you could ever possibly like to see in your home, then consider sorting them by priority. Whether you want heated floors or an extravagant bathroom, keeping your dreams in mind is always important.
Start Prioritizing
Once you know what you want with your custom home design, you can start figuring out what’s a priority and what’s a luxury. Divide a piece of paper into three columns. The first is going to be non-negotiables—what you absolutely must have. The second will have high-priority wants that aren’t totally necessary. The last column you’re going to list out all of the features that are out there, far from necessary, but would be nice if you end up having the budget and ability.
Work With Robin Ford
Lastly, you need to consult an expert. An expert can look at your budget, what region you’re building in, and that list of all your wants and needs and help you figure out where to go from there. Some items might just get crossed off the list right away, whereas others could end up being a nice surprise that can actually end up making it into your final home design.
Robin Ford can help you to build the custom home of your dreams!
With over 30 years of award-winning custom home building experience, Robin Ford and his team of expert craftsmen have earned a stellar reputation for their commitment to quality. Click here to learn more about our financing options and how we can help you find a home within your budget.
As an Indoor airPLUS Partner, ENERGY STAR® Partner, Certified Green Professional, and Maryland’s only proud member of the exclusive Southern Living Custom Builder Program –Robin Ford Building and Remodeling, Inc. is equipped to build you a home that your children’s children will want to own.
Call 410-239-8850 or contact us here to start experiencing The Robin Ford Difference today. You can also connect with us on Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.