Having an appropriate amount of storage is essential to any home. Is beneath the steps an underutilized area to incorporate storage?
For many homeowners, maximizing on space saving techniques is important. Having a spot to tuck away linens, toiletries, and children’s toys can be hugely beneficial to busy families that don’t have time to dig things out of their basement. Sometimes, the space beneath stairs ends up becoming dead space that isn’t utilized well. Taking advantage of under-stair space means having the right amount of storage you need in your home.
This is a simple, common option that a lot of people take advantage of. It’s not all that difficult to install a closet beneath your stairs that is then equipped with shelves and wire organizers that make storage easy. You will also want to consider adding a light fixture, as there’s nothing more frustrating than trying to find what you need in the middle of the night and not being able to. This is a great option if you have space beneath a staircase that’s near a bathroom for storing toiletries and bathroom essentials.
For those who want to get decorative with their storage space, built-in cabinets with glass inserts can be a great option to display dishware or collectibles. Clear glass is ideal for books or any other treasures but if you want to obscure the contents a bit, look into decorative opaque or translucent glass.
Open Shelves
Instead of keeping everything out of plain sight, consider having open shelves that are fantastic for easy access. You can also utilize wicker baskets or canvas bins to store smaller items. This is a great idea if your steps are located somewhere where small children might play. You can store their toys in easy access open shelves so they can get what they want when they want it—and you can instill a sense of a responsibility for the cleanliness of the space in them.
If you don’t have much space but still want to jam some extra storage beneath your steps, try installing some drawers. This lets you get full access and view of your belongings simply by pulling a drawer out. You can even build drawers into the risers of steps if you’re feeling really creative about storage.
Robin Ford can help you to build the custom home of your dreams!
With over 30 years of award-winning custom home building experience, Robin Ford and his team of expert craftsmen have earned a stellar reputation for their commitment to quality. Click here to learn more about financing options and how we can help you build a home within your budget.
As an Indoor airPLUS Partner, ENERGY STAR® Partner, Certified Green Professional, and Maryland’s only proud member of the exclusive Southern Living Custom Builder Program –Robin Ford Building and Remodeling, Inc. is equipped to build you a home that your children’s children will want to own.
Call 410-239-8850 or contact us here to start experiencing The Robin Ford Difference today. You can also connect with us on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and LinkedIn.