The only way to get a house that is 100% how you want it is to build with a custom house builder.
Finding the perfect home for you out of the already built homes available on the market when you’re ready to buy is an impossible proposition. You can get really close, but there’s always going to be something that wasn’t exactly how you wanted it. The location, the layout, the aesthetics… something about the house will need to be upgraded, fixed, or changed. In fact, the only way to get a house that is 100% how you want it is to custom build. This can be a long and work-intensive task. It also is usually more costly than finding a house that is already built, even though most custom home owners would say that it is worth it to have the home of their dreams. Read on to learn about the expenses that the owner of a custom house should expect.
This cost is associated with any house, obviously, but it is definitely an expense you have to plan for. Your monthly mortgage payment will be outlined when you take out the loan to buy your home. It should be the same amount every month for the life of your loan. Make sure that you pay it in full and on time every month.
This is another expense that is not unique to just custom homes. You need to secure home owners insurance. This insurance protects you against the costs of repair if something happens to your house (storm damage, fire, etc). It also protects you against liability if someone is hurt while visiting your property. You will likely be required to have it as part of your loan agreement.
This covers all of the monthly bills that keep your home livable, and again they are not unique to a custom home. These include water, electricity, cable and internet, and sewer and gas costs. These can change over time as your usage and the costs of the services change.
Property Taxes in Your Custom House
When you own property, you have to pay taxes on it to the local and/or state governments. These taxes are typically due in the fall, though some areas give you a discount if you pay early.
Cleaning And Maintenance in Your Custom House
Over time there will costs associated with maintaining your custom home. You will have to buy cleaning supplies or pay a company to clean for you. You will have to do maintenance and likely pay professional to periodically service your appliances. You should also be putting aside savings for emergencies, should they crop up.
Robin Ford Can Help You to Build the Custom Home of Your Dreams!
With over 30 years of award-winning custom home building experience, Robin Ford and his team of expert craftsmen have earned a stellar reputation for their commitment to quality. Click here to learn more about our financing options and how we can help you find a home within your budget.
As an Indoor airPLUS Partner, ENERGY STAR® Partner, Certified Green Professional, and Maryland’s only proud member of the exclusive Southern Living Custom Builder Program –Robin Ford Building and Remodeling, Inc. is equipped to build you a home that your children’s children will want to own.
Call 410-239-8850 or contact us here to start experiencing The Robin Ford Difference today. You can also connect with us on Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.